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E-World '22 - Redefining the Baseline of Risk Management and Renewables

E-World Energy & Water, Europe’s leading energy trade fair, usually marks the start of the year in the industry event calendar. This time though, it took place in June, and exhibitors from all over the world presented sustainable technologies and intelligent services for the future of energy.

Decarbonization and energy diversification remained hot topics, but during the three-day event, it became clear that climate-neutral energy supply and integration of renewable sources are stepping in from the sidelines and are already dominating the debate.

New challenges for Energy Trading and Risk Management

One of the major discussions during E-World ’22 was the new challenge ahead of the existing Trading Risk Management landscape. The increasing renewable portfolios of market players are now significantly impacting how energy is contracted to be produced and traded. Participants in the wholesale market must deal with rising shorter-term PPA volumes of renewables, involving complex contract structures, which call for automation and further market integration of ETRMs. Businesses must rethink their approach to risk management and performance by establishing new platforms that can integrate the dynamic nature of renewable energy generation, vast number of data assets and which can address the unique risks they bring, while offering continuous trading and last-minute adjustments.

“A robust ETRM that brings together traditional and renewables related trading and risk

management activities is necessary to support companies in their energy transition. The ETRM must also provide the right level of sophistication to support the complexities of renewables and cover asset classes like power and certificates, support variability in contract terms, long-lived agreements, and significant increases in trading activities and related data volumes.”

Optimization and security of the LNG supply chain

At the Energy Leadership Meetings, the shift from fossil natural gas to liquified natural gas (LNG) was one of the main topics. The emergence of new destinations and new LNG suppliers for the European market, the fluid demand, and the growing supplies bring further complexity to the supply chains. Optimization of the supply chain through new commercial solutions was dominating the conversations. New technology solutions should empower traders to efficiently create and manage complex contracts without missing a beat.

Hydrogen and green gas

In the halls and conferences of the trade fair, there was a plea from numerous sides for the greater use of hydrogen and green gas as energy carriers. Hydrogen and green gas generation had left the R&D laboratories and now are waiting to enter the energy mix and take their place in portfolios. These bring new attributes to the existing technology landscape of the energy companies. Amongst other things, options for producing and storing hydrogen were presented – from use cases powering aircraft carriers to maintaining pipelines and power lines.

At our booth, we were actively participating in the conversations, discussing with participants the three D’s of the energy market - decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization.

The Scalefocus team was delighted to meet business leaders, energy experts, and professionals and exchange ideas about the future of the energy market and the changing energy models. Scalefocus has always been up to the challenge of solving the business riddles in the energy sector through software engineering. Easier market access and data availability have made trading more democratic, and now it’s time for new software solutions to push that process further.

Dimitar Grancharov

Manager Content Team


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