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4 Key Problems Businesses Face in Application Support

Many companies are currently trying to overcome the challenge of providing high-quality application support. The negative effects of this dilemma are often amplified by a fourfold: a high attrition rate, an unmotivated internal team, knowledge getting locked down, and the high costs for 24/7 support, especially for small businesses.

In this brief post, we discuss the reasons organizations are turning towards third-party application takeovers and how our ACC’s approach is able to confront and solve the issues head-on.

High Attrition Rate

The Quality Assurance & Training Connection (QATC) conducted research showing that the annual turnover rate for call support agents in the United States ranged between 30-45 percent. This is more than double the average compared to other occupations. As a result, this is causing many companies high training costs, lost time and lower productivity, as well as a decrease in motivated staff.

Disengaged Employees

Another common problem businesses face on a daily basis with their internal support team is disengaged staff. Gallup’s 2020 report on the State of the American Workplace, concluded that only 33% of US employees are engaged at the workplace – that same figure remains unchanged since 2017. So what may be leading to this upsetting trend? Well, the same report shares that only 21% of employees believe that “their performance is managed in a way which motivates them to do outstanding work.” These findings are pushing both HR and senior management

departments to strategize and think of clever ways to increase the motivation and willingness of employees to improve their skills and performance.

High Cost for 24/7 Support

Did you know that 33% of Americans polled shared they would consider switching companies after a single poor service experience? (American Express). That number reached 60% after 2-4 poor service instances. When the same group was asked how support could be improved, 40% answered, “Take care of my needs more quickly.” Consequently, the price tag for high-quality support that is both professional and available round the clock is steep.

Knowledge Lockdown

The most prevalent symptom of an organization’s support team experiencing knowledge lockdown is when one particular person holds all of the software know-how. This creates a dangerous vacuum and a strong dependency on the individual leading to a chaos of misinformation in effort to rush towards quick resolution time and overall poor productivity.

Our ACC’s Approach to an Application Takeover

  1. Swarm Team expertise: Our collaborative support management model prevents knowledge lockdown. We create clear, concise documentation using Confluence.

  2. An engaged workforce: Support specialists that are motivated to excel at their job and whose skill development is encouraged through professional guidance and mentorship opportunities.

  3. Fast response and resolution: A competitive return time according to application complexity.


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