At Scalefocus, we like to follow traditions - especially when it comes to team gatherings. Our Quality Engineering team gathered last week for their regular “QE Catch-up” - a regular event that brings forward new ways to learn and get to know each other.
That is especially valuable for the newly joined colleagues - during those events, everyone is actively speaking to each other and bonding as people and professionals. Because, as in Lord of the Rings, every Fellowship must be so bonded that their mission is always complete.
Challenges Make Us Perfect
In the QE Catch-ups, we usually hear a talk on an interesting topic from a current project and the main and most useful points of what has been learned from it. This time, we made sure to create a team-bonding experience too by everyone taking part in a teamwork challenge.
The colleagues were divided into random teams and had to design their own team flag. The visualizations had to include what they have in common, symbols of their work together. The idea was to creatively express their characteristics on paper on the whiteboard. We had some truly creative flags (as you can see in the gallery below), but finally, Team 4 won the public vote for the most awesome flag. They, of course, got an award - a voucher for a Quiz Night event.
We are continuing to look ahead towards new team experiences and events that bring out the greatness of people. Stay tuned for more events from Scalefocus - you can check out most of them on our Facebook page.