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People of Scale: Meet Elvis, a CRM Consultant Who Builds Robots

Elvis Baburov is a smiling, energetic and self-aware ScaleFocusarian, whо quickly settles into telling about himself. Аn unquestionable extrovert, he seems to be able to thrive in any conversation.

"My name was chosen by my father," he states. Yes, he is a Bulgarian. Yes, it's an untraditional name, and there is a funny story about how it was chosen. It had to do with his father's stubbornness and personality, more than anything. "He wanted to name me after my grandfather, but they had a conflict right about the time I was born. And my Dad decided to name me after Elvis Presley because he thought he had the same charisma as him in his youth - true story, by the way."

At ScaleFocus, Elvis works as a CRM Consultant in the SAP team but with aspects of SCRUM attached. He thinks communication with people is

one of the most valuable things at work.

"So I'm happy I'm able to do it because I love talking to people," Elvis says. "I'm really communicative, expressive, and I have a knack for talking to people." He's been with ScaleFocus for a year and three months at the time of the interview and shares with me that one of the reasons he loves his work is the team. "I love my team because I have great chemistry with the people I work with - something super important in every line of work. We are bonded and strong together."

As challenges go, he shares that for the first time recently, he worked in pre-sales and had to make a presentation for potential new clients. "It was something new for me and something that worried me at first. Turns out, things really work out if you

put yourself in the shoes of other people.

It was what helped me make this challenge successful."

Elvis, an indisputable social animal, says that the things that give him energy are books ("One of my favorite books is "East of Eden" by John Steinback) and movies ("I love all types of cinema, and I support Bulgarian movies. One of the best ones I've seen is "A dose of happiness.")

His passions are also football, fitness, and... robotics. For two years, Elvis' been one of the teachers in Robopartans, a children's school for building robots. "It happened by chance, I applied spontaneously, and I love doing it. The feeling of joy I get when a 9-year-old kid understands what I have just explained is indescribable."

Curiosity, Elvis says, is key.

For almost everything. Even though he admits, it is sometimes hard on the people around him. "I'm curious about everything, I always want to know more, I ask questions. I struggle with this part of myself sometimes, because I know knowledge can bring sorrow."

He says he is currently feeling devoted and energized with his work because it fits his character. When asked to describe Elvis with one word, his colleagues give the answers you see below.

Other than being super adaptive and super curious, this ScaleFocus CRM Consultant says that one of the most important things is to try and understand people. "If I had one superpower, it would be to make everyone feel each other’s emotions. If we could step into each other’s shoes the world would be a better place."

Аnd if he could turn back time?

"If I knew then what I know now... I would change nothing. Life is here and now, not in the past and not in the future. What you decide at the moment is the best thing for it. Never look back and never regret."


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